T minus 12.5
Oh God. I start my new job at 8 AM tomorrow morning, and I'm sort of a little bit nervous. I'm a chronic worrier, so there isn't anything I can do about that until tomorrow actually gets here, and I force myself to suck it up and just go in there and do what I have to do.
Technically the next two weeks or so are more job training and technical training for our first professional exam than what my actual job would be, so I suppose that's better than just going in there cold turkey, because...I know nothing. That would be bad for everyone. Except for, possibly, those of you who do not and will not ever need accountants. That's where you're mistaken -- YOU ALL NEED ACCOUNTANTS*. You just don't know it yet. :P
Tomorrow isn't an
entirely bad date to be starting on. Okay, so it's
mostly bad, yes, but it's also Isolde's fourth anniversary so that's good and that's what I'm going with, all right? Right. I will leave you all now to
fret and sigh some more and, oh, it's dinner time continue preparing myself for the big day tomorrow. I'll be fine. Juuuust fine. This just LOOKS like I'm hyperventilating. ;)
* I actually have no idea if you all need accountants. I'm just trying to convince you all that they're um, you know...cool. Which they totally aren't. BUT THEY ARE. Well,
I am, at any rate, so THERE YOU GO.